About Ian

Writer. Listener. Facilitator.
Caring Coach. Intuitive Empath.
Community builder and leader.
As a Writer
My path to being a published author happened both slowly and fast. I resisted writing to get published for thirty years. Everything I wrote was for a small audience and often for a single reader of one of my letters full of inspiration. In six weeks, I went from wanting to be published to being published twice and signing my first contract with a magazine.
I’ve worked professionally as an instructional designer and adult education program management designer. I have designed workshops for non-profits and small businesses and sold many directly to the public.
Sharing information is a part of my core DNA. Currently, I’m using my talents as a researcher and information wrangler to fast-track a book for publication in ninety days. Soulful Conversations with ChatGPT, which you can read about on the home page.
Before moving to professional writing, my greatest love as a writer was and still is a passion; I enjoy Crafting Letters Full of Meaning. My forthcoming book will be published in Spring 2024. This informative book seeks to help people recover the art of this beautiful form of communication with a new twist, spoken word letters.
If you are curious about the titles I mentioned, check out their detailed information on the main page. Early bird subscribers for release updates may receive free admission to a Making Apparent Fall 2023 workshop.
As a Listener
My path to grace is self-understanding. This hard-won knowledge gives me unparalleled freedom to live a purposeful life. All from a centred, grounded, inner peaceful state.
I honour that Spirit has gifted me an awareness of my calling, “I listen. I am a listener.”
My utter faith and conviction are that I act to live my spiritual mission of “love is love.” By using this awareness—I know I can be useful to people who engage with me.
My business offers me many pathways to express my calling. I hope you find what you need when we engage together. I will always seek to learn your needs and clearly explain how I can support your growth.
The most important wisdom I’ve earned. With clarity of purpose, I share information, not advice. I am a catalyst for change; I am not a healer. Only we can heal ourselves.
My greatest joy is to connect with people, and I celebrate the fortune of people that Spirit gifts me with.
From my authentic core self, I find it easy to express myself and freely share what I know.
My mission is to earn the privilege of being of service to you.
If you feel called to, I welcome the opportunity to share time with you.
How can I be of service?
As a Writer
Ian, It is wonderful to connect with you. I don’t know you but I know your soul now and what you wrote brought tears to my eyes in a good way. It is so comforting to know that you feel the same way. Thank you, Ian, for reading this, and giving me your heartfelt comments. When we are rooted in love, we are rooted in what really matters in life. Gratefully,
Ian – I am blown away. Your kindness is more beautiful to me than you can imagine. Part of my trauma recovery has been facing my deep feelings of unworthiness and “not enoughness.” Your words are so soothing to me. Truly. My sense of worthiness today is one hundred percent connected to being of benefit. You have given that to me today and I am very grateful. You are an amazing person and great writer, Ian. Your willingness and openness will help you spread your light. Thank you for your powerful presence.
Ian. You moved me to tears. If (when!) I need inspiration to keep going, when I feel frustrated or blocked or discouraged… I’m coming back to this. It means so much that you took the time to write this out. I am blown away by your support. I only hope I can offer a fraction of this in return as we continue to support each other.
Thank you so so so much for your thoughtful email. I needed to read your kind words of encouragement. They always give me the extra goodness I need to boldly go…You can bet I’ll read your letter again before I walk through the door on Friday. Thanks for gifting me with the most amazing support I could have ever wanted!!
As a Listener
Ian carries a presence in the world that is rare and the way he shows up with his whole self, listening and engaging with total presence, is something to be cherished and celebrated. As a facilitator, practitioner and student of conscious-connected breathwork and sound healing, I feel quite attuned to present moment awareness. Upon meeting Ian, I immediately was shown that he embodies this gift. Ian shows up with compassion, gratitude, and immense joy and shares his open and full heart with the world around him. A thousand thank you’s brother Ian, for you have reminded me to slow down, pay attention, and listen with an open heart.
Ian’s Listener service has been an incredible support in my life. During our sessions, he guided me toward clarity and helped me release what was holding me back. His gentle and loving approach created a safe space for me to explore difficult emotions and make important decisions with self-compassion. Ian’s sincerity shines through as he holds space and truly listens to my thoughts, allowing me to discover my own truth in a powerful way. Engaging with Ian has been a transformative experience.
Wow! Thank you for sharing yet another gifting of yours with me. This resonates more deeply than I can put to words — stepping into my power for good use has been a main theme, to say the least. This offering is truly beautiful. What a service and gift for the world.
Garden Variety Resume Stuff
Royal Roads University Graduate Certificate in Learning and Technology
Capilano College Entrepreneurship Program
VP Educational Program Development TeleSkill
Top Level Toastmaster Speaker and Expert Evaluator
Nominee United Way Lower Mainland Leadership Chair Award
Inveterate writer of loving letters of inspiration
Swept 3 Context Associated Advancement of Excellence Awards

My spirit totem